About Us

Youth For Christ is a Worldwide Christian Movement working with young people around the globe. Motivated by our faith, we give young people everywhere the opportunity to be followers of Jesus Christ.

Youth For Christ Uganda is made up of about 50+ individuals both full-time, and part-time, and volunteers in three regions around Uganda working together to give every young person an opportunity to be a follower of Jesus Christ.



As part of the body of Christ, to see that every young person in every people group in Uganda has the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become part of the local church.

Mission statement

To participate in the body of Christ in responsible evangelism of youth, presenting them with the person, work, and teachings of Christ and Discipling them into a local church.

Core Values

Evangelism & Discipleship

We are committed to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all young people and always seek to do so with urgency, using the most culturally acceptable means. We are further committed to providing a ministry of discipleship for each new believer, and to work in partnership with others who desire to accomplish the same mission.


We are committed to the Word of God as the foundation and final authority for life and ministry. We discipline ourselves to study it diligently, apply it daily, and teach its truth to young people.


We are committed to praying and fasting for the salvation of lost young people and for the empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit in taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them.


Believing that the Church is the expression of the body of Christ, we are committed to working in partnership with the local church in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.


We are committed to people. We believe that young people, volunteers, board members, ministry partners, staff, and their families are important first as individuals, and all are vital in the fulfillment of the mission.


Knowing the size and urgency of the task, we are committed to mobilizing all the available resources of young people, adults, prayer, and finances to accomplish the mission.


We are committed to a life of integrity through personal and organizational accountability in lifestyle, relationships, finances, ministry management, and responsible evangelism.

What do Youth For Christ Uganda programs look like?

Youth for Christ Uganda reaches young people in schools, churches, and communities by preaching the gospel, providing life skills education, leadership development, caring for pregnant teenagers, and educating young mothers.

2 thoughts on “About Us

  1. I am ministering at Holy Trinity Mission Evangelical Orthodox Mission in Kasese Uganda. I am 40 years and married with 4 children. I work with the youth and I use games and sports to reach them. After games they sit and share scriptures from the Holy Bible. I use this medium as a way of mobilizing them. I intend to establish other games like chase to enable them to develop. After gaming we visit the sick and pray for them. For those who can provide material items like soap, sugar, exercise books and we give them out to the poor.

    1. Thank you for the good work that you do dear brethren. We continue praying that your service in the kingdom as we work together

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