The Organization was started in 1992 as Crisis Pregnancy and Counseling as an intervention to pregnant teenagers in need. This was because of many pregnant teenagers who were rejected from home and no interventions were available to meet their needs. For girls between 13-and 19 who have been rejected from home due to pregnancy and have nowhere to stay, are provided with temporally accommodation in Mirembe House till they give birth. Pregnant teenagers who have support from their parents/guardians are helped from home; counseling and material support are provided. In a year, we care for about 60 pregnant teenagers faced with unplanned pregnancies.
In 1998, the Outreach Department was started as a preventative measure to sensitize youth about the challenges of teenage pregnancy and encourage them to abstain from sex until marriage. Since then, youth-friendly interventions have been used in reaching youth encouraging them to make informed decisions about their lives.