
Youth For Christ Uganda is part of a Global Christian Youth Movement Working With Young People Around The Globe. Motivated By Our Faith, We Give Young People Everywhere An Opportunity To Be Followers Of Jesus Christ And Disciple Them Into A Local Church.


As Youth for Christ Uganda, we are so thankful to all our funding and supporting partners both individuals and organizations. The support has given us in the construction of these amazing Homes that we are going to be using to reach out to all youths, pregnant teens, and young mothers around our community. Reaching out to them with the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the practical life skills to help them become whoever God wants them to become.

One of the students during class

We believe that all young people have within them the gift and potential to be successful in this life because God has not designed humanity to fail. This is why Youth for Christ Uganda through our partners are providing young people with an avenue for training and spiritual guidance to help them fulfill their God-given Potential.

We want to thank God for all of you; Through your endless support and prayers, Youth For Christ Uganda has been able to reach milestones in spreading the Gospel of Christ to young people around this country. We have carried out regional Leadership training workshops, a seed we have sawn and we believe that through Christ this message will make manifest. God Bless you all

Crisis Pregnancy Outreaches in Surrounding Communities
Group counseling with the students

We have moved from the Old site to the New Site!

You can just google Youth For Christ Uganda and the Google Maps will lead you Home!

Come join us, let’s build Zion City for the Lord!


18 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hi Mary, Mirjam an Marie and girls!. hoe are you now?
    Are you live in the new house?.
    What is the adres?
    kind regards Much Blessings from GOD !to YOU all.

    1. Dear Frederieke,
      WE are doing well and God has been good to us.
      We are almost completing the building of the Mirembe House and we will start accoommadating the girls next year.
      Our New address is now Matugga-Kibungo, but postal address is still the same and if you want to write to us please do and post to Youth for Christ Uganda P.O Box 24388, Kampala Uganda.
      We love you and God bless you too.

  2. Miriam, please get in touch with me. I am finally going to visit your country! There is a conference at LIU in Kampala where my husband, Larry Niemeyer, is going to be speaking. They want me there too. I’ll be talking mainly on Worth the Wait, he will speak on God’s LIFE in our lives. It is March 30-April 3. Will you be around?
    Blessings, my dear!!

  3. Hello, this is Acaye Mark 22yrs old from Agagao District, northern Uganda,born again Christian from Revival fountain ministries .
    I have been following youth for Christ Australia and my life has changed drastically and now I want to carry this fire to change our community especially Acholi that were still lagging behind spiritually as lives of many youths were destroyed by alcohol and drug.
    So I need your help/guide on the area of operation and how I can conduct it because my vision is on secondary, technical and people living in the slums,

    1. Hello Mark,
      Yes we are in Uganda and have been for the last 30yrs. We are located in Matugga off Bombo Road about 3Kms. You can write to us an email on [email protected] for more information. Thank you

  4. Dear Folks,
    Hi, I’m seeking a Ungandan organization to contribute to, and chose yours. Please send me details how I can contribute to your organization on a monthly basis. Carol Baird, a retired missionary

  5. Dear YWAM Folks,

    Please send me details how I can support you monthly, as Uganda is deeply rooted in my heart. Thank you, Carol Baird

  6. Dear Folks,

    Hi, how are you? Please send me the details how I can send support to your organization monthly. Thank you.

  7. Dear Folks,

    I want to support your cause on a monthly bases, so please send me the details so I can. Thank you in advance, Carol Baird

  8. Good evening youth for Christ
    My name is Nankunda comfort and I’m a born again..
    I would really love to work with you 😊
    Thank you

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